Good Interview Blog

Kendall Paynter
2 min readFeb 23, 2021

With so many forms of interviewing, the question is what makes an interview good? I believe that the best interviews are the ones that ask the deep questions that keeps the person being interviewed on there toes. I also think that the best interviews are when the guest feels as comfortable as possible. This helps them feel open to share to the conversation.

Another example of a good interview is when the host or person asking the questions, has great follow up questions. When asking a question, you should be able to ask another question right after they answer, so there’s no awkward silence and the interview process is moving along smoothly.

Lastly, I would note that in order to have a good interview, you need to show a level of professionalism. You should be taken seriously, and show that you have done research on what you’re talking about or who you’re interviewing. I believe that these qualities are crucial to creating the perfect interview.

An example I found was of an interview with Ellen and Taylor Swift. The interview was about Taylor Swift’s career and her newly released album. She has been on the “Ellen Show” for many years, so she seemed very comfortable with Ellen and easily opened up to her about things that she’s gone through and what she is currently experiencing.

Another positive thing that I noticed in the interview is that Ellen did an incredible job of asking all the right questions for Taylor to answer and asking things that she is passionate about. Ellen was also great at asking Taylor follow up questions so that the conversation moved along well. One of the negatives of the interview was when there were awkward pauses, which made it a little weird at times.

