CNA Week 9

Kendall Paynter
2 min readMar 23, 2021

Stephanie Fairyington Why I’m nobody’s ‘wife:’ Queer culture deserves identifiers that look forward, not backward

Stephanie Fairyington talks about why she does not like the term “wife” being used to describe her. She has expressed her thoughts about how queer woman who use the word “wife” to call or signal there significant other appalling to her. She then goes on to share about how the term “wife” makes her feel like you don’t have your own identity.

Summers could last half the year by the end of this century

They recently did a study on the climate change and the effect that it can cause on the earths environment. The study showed that summers in the Northern Hemisphere could last for 6 months by the year 2021. They have come to the conclusion that the way that the weather is looking now, there will become shorter winter months than summer.

Bali tourist unknowingly films herself playing with deadly octopus

A woman was on vacation in Bali and played with a one of the most deadly octopus without knowing it. She held the octopus in her hand and even tried to feed the creature oranges. If the octopus would have bit her, she could have died.

